Beautiful People, Vol. 4: More About Eva

Beautiful People 1

Beautiful People is a monthly blog meme hosted by Cait @ Paper Fury and Sky @ Further Up and Further In. Every month they pose 10 questions for writers to answer about their writing and give readers the opportunity to learn more about the writer’s characters.

After focusing on supporting characters from The Keeper’s Curse for the past two Beautiful People posts, it’s time to return to the protagonist, Eva. In case you haven’t “met” her before, Eva is a 17-year-old Faerie and the chief navigator and translator for the Council of Selanaan (a group of commoner Faeries selected to be diplomats working on their king’s behalf).

So, here are the 10 questions Eva needs to answer this month. Or, rather, the questions I need to answer so you can get to know Eva better. 😉

1. Does she have nightmares? If so, why or what of?

Not during TKC. However, when she was 5 years old, she suffered from nightmares regularly after her parents were killed. (Her family had traveled to the Human town of Eldenmonn for a holiday, and were caught up in a Mountain Folk raid that destroyed the riverside outpost.) In these nightmares, she’d see her parents’ bloodied bodies and shredded wings, houses burning or completely collapsed. She’d hear war cries and victims’ screams, and relive the crippling pain of her own torn wing. Those nightmares evolved over time, and Eva would see the corpses of her cousin Gidion, her aunt Maji, and her uncle Lusan – loved ones who weren’t there during the attack. That brought a whole new level of terror.

Eventually the nightmares occurred less and less often. By the time Eva was 7 years old, the nightmares had stopped, but the absence of her parents – and the horror of her memories – still haunt her today.

2. What is her biggest guilty pleasure / secret shame?

Eva’s favorite snack is cacao nibs. She doesn’t eat them often because they’re an expensive food in her world; and as a Councilor, she’s not paid for her diplomacy work. (The lack of payment is meant to ensure that Councilors truly want to do their work for honor and duty to their people, not for wealth or notoriety.) But if Aunt Maji buys cacao nibs or someone offers them to her, she’s not going to pass them up. 🙂

As for a secret shame… Remember in #1 above that Eva’s wing was torn in the raid that killed her parents? In Faerie culture, a wing injury of any kind is considered the ultimate transgression. It’s a sign that, even if the injury wasn’t the Faerie’s fault and the wing heals (which is usually does), the Faerie hasn’t taken proper care of their wings. Even worse, if a Faerie with an injured wing is brought before the royal family, the King will “strip” the victim of the rest of its Faerie identity by cutting off what’s left of the wings and then banish the Faerie from the kingdom.

Which means Eva was incredibly fortunate to escape that fate. Her aunt and uncle kept her away from home so she could heal without suspicion. No one could banish her once she returned to Kasialonen, since the wing healed without leaving a scar. But that didn’t stop her peers from taunting and bullying her. Perhaps her shame over becoming an outcast isn’t a secret, but knowing she could have truly been cast out had the wrong people seen her wings… I think that counts as a hidden shame.

3. Is she easily persuaded, or does she need more proof?

Eva takes nothing at face value. She wants – no, NEEDS – proof. She’ll ask questions, research, or try things on her own in order to fully understand the task or problem at hand. If she hasn’t witnessed or experienced it, it’s hard for her to know whether it can be done – or, in some cases, whether it can’t be done. Sometimes this shows up as skepticism (e.g., not believing in the Mountain Folk’s gem-healing) or curiosity (e.g., creating new spells to test the limits of her own magic). If you’re going to work with Eva on a project, be prepared for an inquisitive and tenacious teammate who refuses to give up until she finishes the task.

4. Does she suffer from any phobias? Does it affect her life in a big way?

Eva has no phobias. However, her greatest fear is losing the people she loves – a tragedy she’s already dealt with, and one she doesn’t want to experience again. That fear is one of the reasons why she tried out for the Council 3 years ago: to protect those she loves, as well as to protect the Faeries in general.

5. What does she consider her “Achilles heel”?

A flaw that could lead to her downfall? In TKC, that’s definitely her vengefulness and volatility. She doesn’t get angry often – but when she does, she’ll make you regret it. That dual Achilles’ heel plays a huge part in TKC, especially early on and towards the end. That’s all I can say for now. 😉

6. How does she handle a crisis?

Eva’s the one you want around when crisis erupts. She’s intuitive and quick-thinking, so she sees opportunities to wrangle and resolve the problem. Some say she’s reckless for this reason; I say it’s one of her best qualities. 🙂  You’ll get to see this during TKC!

7. Does she have a temper?

I’ll leave that for others to decide. Like I said in #5, she’s not exactly easy to anger. But when she is angry, it ain’t pretty!

8. What are her core values and/or religious beliefs?

The first core values that come to mind for Eva are:

  • Honesty: This is more or less a traditional yet hypocritical Faerie value. Traditional in that Faeries are raised to be transparent and open to one another, and not to lie or keep secrets. Hypocritical in that the Faeries are keeping a massive secret from the other peoples of the Great Isle (which is discussed in TKC), and Eva has her own secret as well. Nevertheless, Eva tries to be honest with others and expects the same in return.
  • Courage: Eva believes in doing what’s right as opposed to what’s easy, and often wishes others would do the same. In her opinion, things aren’t simply black or white, good or evil. Sometimes they’re morally gray or ambiguous – and sometimes it means going against what’s deemed acceptable by belief or law. But if it’s the best solution, Eva will fight for it. This value will cause friction between her and some of her more traditional Council brothers during TKC.
  • Love, Self-Love, & Identity: More than anything, Eva wants to be accepted for who she is. She’s struggled with this for most of her childhood (small wonder, considering the answers to #1 and #2 above), and her adventurous spirit doesn’t mesh well with cultural expectations for Faerie women. Despite this, Eva desperately wants to believe that people value her for her strengths and good qualities, and that they won’t try to force her to be what she isn’t.

Religion-wise, Eva follows the Faeries’ nature-centered religion. Faeries pray to and thank Tovana (whom you and I know as Mother Nature) before meals and when hunting, gardening, preparing healing remedies and poultices, building new houses or shops, and so on. They also believe that Tovana created the peoples of the Great Isle using natural elements like dirt, wind, and water; and that natural phenomena (droughts, storm damage, floods, etc.) are Tovana’s way of showing she’s pleased – or displeased – with a particular Faerie or the Faerie population at large.

9. What things does she value most in life?

Just because I like bulleted lists, that’s how I’ll list the things that Eva values. 😉  They are:

  • Her adopted family (Aunt Maji, Uncle Lusan, and her cousin Gidion)
  • Her Council brothers, since they’re like a second family to her
  • Her messenger bird Thrush
  • Her horse Immer
  • Her memories of her parents
  • The lessons she learned about fighting and magic from her trainer Nomaro, who was exiled just months before Eva was selected for the Council
  • The experience and opportunities she’s had as a Councilor

10. What is one major event that helped shape who she is?

The raid in Eldenmonn, and the deaths of her parents. I think that’s pretty obvious from the answers to #1 and #2. It’s what set her on her path to becoming a Councilor and what sparked her desire for vengeance against the Mountain Folk. If her family was still alive, the events of TKC would have played out much differently – or maybe never have happened at all.

That’s it for this month’s edition of Beautiful People. What do you think of Eva based on the answers above? If you’ve already been following Beautiful People or Chronicling The Craft, did you learn anything new about Eva today? Feel free to share your thoughts and any questions you may have by commenting below.

27 thoughts on “Beautiful People, Vol. 4: More About Eva

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier! Glad you enjoyed my post.
    Likewise, it sounds like you have put a lot of love and thought into your world, which is SO important in fantasy. The characters sound like they have detailed histories and like you know them very well. I really liked reading about Eva, and now that I am doing this Beautiful People feature too, I am excited to keep tabs on all these projects. 🙂
    Happy writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome! And thank you for stopping by here in return. 😀 I love the name of your blog, by the way!

      And thank you for your comments about Eva, too. She’s definitely a complicated character, but that’s what has made writing TKC such an adventure, and such a joy. 🙂


    • Thank you, Skye! 🙂 Yeah, Eva does have a sad and complicated past. But I think a lot of great characters have that as well. Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen, Tyrion Lannister (and a host of other GoT characters)… and the list goes on. And their stories give them opportunities to rise above. But yeah, I wouldn’t want to have lost both parents at such a young age, either.

      I don’t think I checked out your Beautiful People post yet… If I haven’t, I’ll be over there shortly. 😉


  2. I really like Eva. ^ ^ She seems really cool and such a tragic background. 😦 I love fairies! I’ve been partial to them forever. One day I will get around to writing me fantasy that has them in it. XD Your Beautiful Peoples are some of my favorite to read. ^ ^

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awww, thank you, Tori. 🙂

      Tragic backgrounds make for good characters, though, don’t they? Based on what I’ve read about your Subsapien characters, they’ve had their own hardships to deal with. Not to mention your story idea is super-interesting, too. I can’t wait to read and learn more about it. 🙂

      What are some of your favorite fairy stories or novels? I’m planning to read several novels this year that feature fairy characters, just to see how they compare to Eva and her fellow Faeries.


      • They do indeed! Oh yeah lots of tragedy lol. Aw thank you. ^ ^ Yours seems cool too.

        Gosh. I haven’t read any good fairy novels in a long while. I read this one fairy book as a kid I loved, but I can’t for the life of me remember the title. That’s smart!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you again for the sweet comment on my blog! It was so nice of you to stop by.

    Eva sounds like such a strong, complex character. I like her already! And her world…it sounds FANTASTIC. Faeries? Wings? YES PLEASE. I can tell you’ve put a lot of effort into creating your world. I fail so bad at worldbuilding, so I am in awe at all your details. The whole thing sounds like an awesome story!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome, Christine! I like to check out as many of the BP posts as I can (and continue following those writers), especially if the writers are working on a fantasy story. 😉

      Thanks for your comments about Eva! 😀 Yes, she’s a life-size Faerie with wings. Our size, with the ability to fly and wield magic.

      And thanks for your comments about the world-building, too. I feel like I still have a ways to go in that area; there are still so many angles and ideas to explore. But I guess it never ends, does it? 🙂

      Awww, don’t worry too much about yours. We all have different strengths as writers. It’s funny, I actually had an idea this morning about maybe starting my own monthly writing meme that focuses on one world-building topic or question a month. What do you think about that?


    • Thanks, Molly! 🙂

      Yeah, I guess I’m what you’d call an “Evil Author Mommy.” 😉 I like creating characters with emotional or tortured pasts, probably because those are some of my favorite characters in general. Wing injuries are certainly terrible things for Faeries in Eva’s world, too. Not only from a cultural viewpoint (enough to get them cast out of their society), but physically they’re excrutiatingly painful too. That said, Faerie wings heal very well. If I remember what I wrote in the book correctly, Eva’s didn’t leave a scar.

      It’s funny you mention the world-building. Sometimes I’m not sure I’ve done enough of it in my backstory documents! But that’s probably one of the good things about the world-building process: It never ends. You keep discovering new aspects of it, and possible new story ideas. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Sarah! Those are my favorite kinds of characters, too – heroes and heroines alike.

      Once TKC is off with beta-readers, I’m actually planning to work on a short story / novella featuring Eva and her trainer Nomaro (taking place 3 or 4 years before the events of TKC). And based on what I know about Nomaro right now… The words “tortured soul” describe him to a T. 😉


  4. Pingback: Beautiful People, Vol. 5: The “Parental” Edition | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  5. Pingback: Submit Your Questions for Eva’s Character Interview! | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  6. Pingback: Beautiful People, Vol. 6: Keli | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  7. Pingback: A Blogoversary Character Interview with Eva of “The Keeper’s Curse” | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  8. Pingback: Beautiful People, Vol. 7: The Friendship Edition | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  9. Pingback: Beautiful People, Vol. 8: Gidion’s First Solo “Flight” | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  10. Pingback: Beautiful Books, Vol. 1: The Novella I’m Planning to Start Next Year | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  11. Pingback: Beautiful People, Vol. 10: Prince Virik, One of the Antagonists | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  12. Pingback: Beautiful People, Vol. 12: Doni from The Keeper’s Curse | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  13. Pingback: Beautiful People, Vol. 13: Nomaro, One of the Protagonists for a Future Novella | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  14. Pingback: The Six-Question Character Challenge | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

  15. Pingback: Chronicling The Craft: On Beta-Readings, New Writing Projects, and the Future of This Series | Sara Letourneau's Official Website & Blog

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